Green Fields School Phone Number (520) 297-2288
Admissions & Enrollment
Quality Education
Quality Education by Learning Without Limits
Enrollment Process
Come and tour the school
Fill out the application, application fee $50
Get your start date!
Welcome aboard to giving a gifted level education to your child!
Assessments are stress free. We do not cherry pick our students! We administer a placement test to determine where the gaps are in your child's education. This gives us a starting point as to where they begin their gifted level education that does not have a ceiling affect. Call our office for more details.
June 21st - 23rd
July 12th - 28th
July 26th - 28th
Tuition Information
Tuition K-8 is $10,000
Tuition 9-12 is $12,000
We believe that all students should have access to a gifted level education regardless of economic standing. We have partnered with STO (Student Tuition Organizations) and ESA, The Empowerment Scholarship to finance student tuition. Do NOT let the tuition deter you from applying!
Accelerated Elementary & Secondary Schools
Accelerated Learning Laboratory Application
PreK Enrollment
PreK is Re-Opening at the ALL Campus for the 2022-2023 School Year!
We have 100 seats available.
First Day is August 15, 2022 and the Last Day is June 30, 2022.
School Tuition Organization 2022-2023 School Year
Corporate Low Income
Corporate Individual
Tax Credit
Corporate Low Income
Corporate Individual
Tax Credit
Empowerment Scholarship
Application OPEN Quarterly*
Preschool Student with a Disability
K-12 Student with a Disability
Student with a Military Parent (Active Duty)
Student with a Military Parent (Killed in the Line of Duty)
Student with a Parent who is Legally Blind, Deaf, or Hard of Hearing
The Student Attends a D or F Rated School
The Student Resides within a Native American Reservation
The Student is a Sibling of a Current or Previous Recipient
The Student was a Ward of the Court
The Student was a Previous ESA Recipient